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Performance Benchmarking and Surveys

In a dynamic business landscape, achieving and sustaining top performance is paramount. Benchmarking serves as a compass, aiding performance management, competitive assessments, strategic planning, and more. By comparing your processes or performance metrics with internal or external entities, benchmarking unveils your strengths and opportunities for improvement. This is the first step in achieving industry-leading performance. 


Strategic Benchmarking with ScottMadden: 

Our vast database of functional benchmarks, leading practices, and deep functional expertise enable us to efficiently deliver a comprehensive, solution-focused analysis that answers the question of “How are we doing?” and “What do we do about it?” We evaluate your process effectiveness, costs, staffing, and quality against industry benchmarks, and develop a roadmap for strategic, organizational, and operational enhancements. Our offerings include: 

  • In-depth assessments unveiling improvement opportunities 
  • Recommendations for strategic direction, organizational design, and process optimization 
  • Baseline operations for continued improvement, propelling you towards sustained success 


Types of Benchmarking: 

  • Internal Benchmarking: Comparing your internal processes to ensure efficiency and consistency, and that leading practices across business units are adopted 
  • External Benchmarking: Evaluating your processes and performance with other companies and identifying gaps and opportunities 
  • Performance Benchmarking: Analyzing the outcomes of internal improvement initiatives against key performance indicators over time 
  • Peer Benchmarking: Directly comparing your metrics with catered industry peers to understand your company’s relative performance 


Uncover your potential, align with leading performers, and chart a course towards enhanced performance with ScottMadden’s benchmarking solutions.

Let’s Work Together

We don’t solve problems with canned methodologies, we help you solve the right problem in the right way. Our experience ensures that the solution works for you.