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Functional Assessments and Planning

Understanding Your Business Landscape Through Comprehensive Assessments

Aligning corporate functions with overarching strategic goals is critical. ScottMadden offers in-depth functional assessments and planning services, pinpointing areas where performance may be affected by misalignment with organizational strategy, cumbersome processes, untapped cost-saving opportunities, or low organizational performance and morale.


Benefits of Evaluating Corporate Function Performance

  • Establishing a factual understanding of the current state
  • Benchmarking against industry peers to identify your gaps and strengths
  • Building consensus on improvement priorities
  • Crafting an implementable roadmap for your future success


Our Comprehensive Approach

ScottMadden’s methodical approach covers assessing key performance areas, including people and organization, policy and process, data and knowledge, and tools and technology, and developing a roadmap for implementation. We employ:
  • Executive and Stakeholder Interviews: Evaluating organizational effectiveness and alignment with your mission and strategy
  • Performance Metric Evaluation: Comparing your metrics against peers and top performers to identify areas for improvement
  • Customer Satisfaction Evaluation: Gathering balanced feedback to pinpoint areas needing high-value improvement
  • Leading Practice Assessment: Comparing your practices with industry leaders to boost performance and effectiveness


Roadmap Development and Risk Management

Our roadmap development is crucial in facilitating successful implementation. It involves:
  • Tailored Actionable Plans: Creating specific plans aligned with your organizational needs
  • Strategic Prioritization: Focusing on improvements that offer high value and strategic relevance
  • Coordinated Steps: Aligning activities to support an integrated, stage-stepped effort to complete work in appropriate order for success
  • Risk and Impact Analysis: Assessing potential risks and the impacts of change to ensure preparedness
  • Change Readiness Evaluation: Gauging your organization’s readiness to make and achieve the changes, including identification of supporting elements needed to prepare


Planning Your Way Forward

Our approach ensures that your corporate functions not only align with your strategic objectives but also adapt and thrive amidst change, leading to sustained organizational success. With ScottMadden’s expertise, your path to enhanced effectiveness and efficiency is clear and achievable.

Let’s Work Together

We don’t solve problems with canned methodologies, we help you solve the right problem in the right way. Our experience ensures that the solution works for you.