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Projected Inventory Storage Needs with PreciseSpace Forecaster

At a Glance

Strategic Planning

  • Improves operational efficiency through strategic planning for storage space

Identifies Constraints

  • Improves space management by identifying constraints and available storage assets

Improves Costs

  • Supports cost-effective decision-making through the early identification of longer-term storage requirements


A leading owner, developer, and operator of critical infrastructure was facing significant overcrowding in their inventory storage facilities due to rapid system growth and supply chain disruptions. To effectively address these challenges, the company recognized the need to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their existing storage assets and future requirements. The primary goals of the assessment were to identify opportunities for optimizing near-term space utilization and develop facility expansion plans to meet projected needs.​


  • Conducted an in-depth assessment of facility storage methods and configurations, including measurements of each storage location and space utilization
  • Collaborated with the company’s subject matter experts to develop future scenarios and associated long-range inventory needs
  • Configured the PreciseSpace Forecaster tool to analyze storage utilization and forecast future storage needs
  • Identified inefficiencies in storage allocation and space configurations through PreciseSpace Forecaster’s analytical capabilities
  • Engaged the executive team in review sessions to validate the analysis and refine the recommendations


  • Identified opportunities for immediate relief of overcrowded facilities
  • Addressed the inefficiencies in storage allocation to make better use of the existing space
  • Facilitated strategic planning for near- and long-term inventory storage needs
  • Enabled better management and optimization of space utilization for each major storage type
  • Enabled cost-effective decision-making by predicting future storage requirements under various operating conditions (e.g., further lead time deterioration)

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