ScottMadden is proud to join leading industry players as a sponsor for IQPC’s 22nd Annual North American Shared Services & Outsourcing Week. This event will include valuable pre-conference workshops from the ScottMadden team focused on unlocking your shared services potential. Brad DeMent, partner and finance and accounting practice area lead at ScottMadden, will serve as conference chair.
If you have not already registered, you are eligible to receive a special 20% discount off the registration fee, courtesy of ScottMadden. This discount can be used for the workshop and/or main conference. To register with this preferred pricing, please call James Linney of SSON directly at 212-885-2740 and reference the code SSOW_SM22.
Read below to learn about ScottMadden’s involvement in the conference.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Shared Services 101: Getting Started on the Right Foot and Avoiding the Pitfalls
Critical to the success of a new shared services operation is a clear strategy, a detailed business case, a phased approach, and a focus on change management. This workshop will dive into the must haves for shared services success and explore the most common implementation pitfalls to keep you ahead of the curve.
During this session, you will learn:
Courtney Jackson, Partner, ScottMadden
Patricia Ferris, Partner, ScottMadden
Scott Manning, Partner, ScottMadden
Shared Services 501: Taking Your Shared Services Operations to the Next Level
Stagnation is the enemy of shared services value creation. How do you increase your offerings in a manageable framework? Attend this workshop and rethink your traditional model of shared services. This session will review next generation concepts and share strategies to boost value in your organization. Learn about:
Trey Robinson, Partner, ScottMadden
Jerred Crosby, Partner, ScottMadden
Kimberly Davenport, Partner, ScottMadden
Honorio Padrón, Partner, ScottMadden
Client Panel Sessions
Overcoming the Hurdle: Doing More With Less
In 2017, Turner relaunched its leading practice HR service delivery model to improve operational performance and boost employee satisfaction. HR needed to invest to be more efficient while remaining nimble—the ability to do more with less. Improvements to the model allowed HR to adequately support Turner’s strategic initiatives and the new pace of change. This session will dive into what was different this time, including changes to its original delivery model and the addition of new technologies, and where Turner is a year later.
Amy Lantinga, Senior Director, Global Employee Services, Turner
Our Journey Aligning Autonomous Shared Services under an Enterprise Wide Model
We suspect our journey is a little different than others. The Enterprise Shared Service group at Kaiser Permanente must deliver enterprise-wide results, but without a direct reporting relationship to ESS for many of the functions. We all know it’s a “journey” with multiple phases needed to achieve our vision, but selling that journey to our stakeholders from the outset is easier said than done. This is a story of how Kaiser Permanente began with 60+ Shared Service opportunities, narrowed down to focusing on 22, and then selected 10 to accelerate and deliver Enterprise wide results. Join this session to hear how we established multi-function shared service governance without a GBS (or multi-function) structure, created a baseline for consistency in measurement across very different shared services, and motivated progress and tangible movement to get results. All of this while leading the affordability conversation in US healthcare – from one of the most expensive markets in the country!
Laurel Junk, SVP Enterprise Shared Services (interim), Kaiser Permanente
Tipping the Scale: How to Leverage Your Size for Recruitment and Pre-Boarding
You’ve heard it time and time again, for HR, it’s all about finding and retaining top talent. But, what makes sense? How do you determine which processes and activities to centralize and automate? Join this presentation to hear how HCA uses its size and scale for their recruiting and pre-boarding processes. Where did they start? What are the main challenges? What are the key lessons learned and successes? What further opportunities exist?
Kelly Furbee, VP Talent Acquisition, HCA
Janet Gilmore, VP HR Operations, HCA
Leigh Mangum, VP HR Shared Operations, HCA
Don’t miss this great event! Join us to gain insights and lay the groundwork for shared services success. For more information or to register for this event, please visit the conference website.