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SCOTTMADDEN, INC. | 41 THE INDUSTRY IN CHARTS At average usage rates and current efficiencies, electric vehicles could provide a sales boost comparable to part of a typical house… Annual Electric Vehicle Fuel Economy Setting the Stage: The Assumptions • Average annual electric consumption per household = 11,000 kWh • Average miles driven annually for typical passenger vehicle = 14,000 • One gallon of gas = 33.7 kWh Annual kWh Consumption vs. Annual Household Consumption CO 2 Emissions Avoided (lbs.)* = 53.6% 12,727 vs. 22 MPG = 42.9% 10,370 vs. 27 MPG = 35.5% 8,000 vs. 35 MPG 2017 Chrysler Pacifica 5,898 kWh 2016 Tesla Model S 4,718 kWh 2017 Chevy Bolt 0 20 3,932 kWh 40 60 80 100 120 140 Miles per Gallon-Equivalent Sources: EIA; DOT; EPA; ScottMadden analysis …As the transportation and power sector are about to trade places in terms of aggregate greenhouse gas emissions. Actual and Projected Power Sector and Transportation Sector CO 2 Emissions (in Millions of Metric Tons) Millions of Metric Tons 2,500 2,000 Actual** Substituting 10 million 20-MPG vehicles with 100 MPGe EVs could offset 63.5 million metric tons of CO 2 and add 47.8 TWh to national electric demand Projected Total Energy Electric Power Sector CO 2 Emissions Total Energy Transportation Sector CO 2 Emissions Power Sector Emissions Inflection Point 1,500 1,000 1973 2007 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: EIA, Monthly Energy Review (Sept. 2016); EIA, Annual Energy Review 2016 (Sept. 2016); ScottMadden analysis NOTES: *Avoided CO 2 emissions in 000s of lbs. vs. comparable fuel efficiency internal combustion engine at fuel efficiency noted (does not factor in power supply emissions from vehicle charging). **Includes preliminary estimate for 2015